Invest in Geocup

Invest in Geocup

Geocup with lid
Wheel of drink ports, dual cool zonesIn the new global environment, real cutting-edge design affects a company’s triple bottom line: profits, environment and society. It’s a design approach that looks at the big picture and leads to a positive company image.

Geocup, a paper cup to-go for the specialty coffee and tea industries, is a big picture package. It’s about forest-free fiber blends, Chemical Watch plastics and universal design for all ages.

Geocup’s target market is the fastest growing sub-culture in the U.S. today: the Cultural Creatives. The C.C.’s—currently 63 million adults—like a systems overview: they want to know where a product came from; how it was made; who made it; and what will happen to it when they are finished with it.

Geocup looks different because it addresses the big issues in making cups to-go. Its eco-accountability is its unique selling position.

Contact Tim Johnson of Big Picture Packaging directly for investment opportunities.